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Fun facts about the state of Oregon

Oregon Public Facts

Oregon State Facts

Here are some Oregon fun facts you probably didn't know about:

  1. Oregon has more ghost towns than any other state.
  2. Oregon and New Jersey are the only states without self-serve gas stations.
  3. Eugene was the first city to have one-way streets.
  4. In 1858 the richest gold find in the Cascade Mountains was discovered in the Bohemia Mining District at Sharp's Creek near Cottage Grove.
  5. Discovered in 1874 the caves located in Oregon Caves National Monument are carved within solid marble.
  6. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States. It was formed more than 6,500 years ago. Its crystal-blue waters are world renowned.
  7. In 1880 a sea cave was discovered near what is now known as Florence. Sea Lion Caves is known to be the largest sea cave in the world.

Other Oregon state facts:

  • Oregon State Tree: Douglas Fir
  • Oregon State Flower: Oregon Grape
  • Oregon State Bird: Western Meadowlark

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